
Pool Mania

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Pool Mania


Player: 1

  • Click-drag and release to launch the ball.

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Pool Mania description

Dive into the exciting world of billiards with Pool Mania, an addictive and challenging HTML5 web game that will test your skills and intellect. This unique pool game offers a thrilling gameplay experience where you must collect stars and unlock stronger cues to conquer increasingly difficult levels.

In Pool Mania, you'll navigate through a series of levels, using your cue to shoot balls into holes and earn points and stars. As you progress, you'll unlock more powerful cues that will give you an edge in beating harder levels. This game is not just about precision and accuracy, but also about strategy and problem-solving as the levels become more challenging.

Experience the Thrills of Pool Mania:

  • Addictive Pool Gameplay: Test your skills and challenge your intellect in a unique pool game that will keep you hooked for hours.
  • Unlock Powerful Cues: Collect stars and unlock stronger cues that will help you conquer harder levels and achieve higher scores.
  • Progressive Difficulty: Each level presents a new challenge, pushing your skills to the limit as you strive to master the game.
  • Engaging Problem-Solving: Use your skill and intellect to solve the levels, strategizing your shots and finding the best path to victory.
  • Free Online Game: Enjoy the thrill of Pool Mania without any cost or installation. Simply play the game online and immerse yourself in the world of billiards.
  • Playable on Any Device: Thanks to its HTML5 technology, Pool Mania is compatible with all devices, allowing you to enjoy the game anytime, anywhere.

Pool Mania is the ultimate pool game for players seeking a challenging and addictive experience. Put your skills to the test, unlock powerful cues, and conquer increasingly difficult levels. Whether you're a seasoned pool player or new to the game, Pool Mania offers endless hours of entertainment and excitement. Get ready to sink some balls and become the ultimate pool champion!


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Studies say that individuals who play video games experience decrease in tension, depression and anger.

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